Tuesday, October 30, 2007

who is it?

i lol-ed. kk. actually arh, its me lah. wahwah. kk. haha the ns impersonator got utterly owned by the real ns. shit lah. tmr alvls start (for me at least). i hope i wont die or anything. i've been damn s arh. so must get the reasonable returns. like hundredd As. at least right, i must beat vivek. haha.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


i damn proudzxzx of myself. there was a blind guy on the mrt. and there was a seat behind him. so, i like got up from my seat and went to him, told him there was a seat behind him and guided him there arh. then he damn happy and thankful cos he was carrying some pretty heavy looking stuff. so i damn pleased with myself. but the shittiest thing was that when i turned around to go back to my seat, someone already kopped it. grrrrr.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


okae. here i am after a really long time. its not that i dun have anything to talk abt, its just that i am damn sianz to get on the com and post. anyway, sherlock's been bugging me for the past few days to send him something. finally i did it. hehe.
first things first, fasting month over. so now can eat arh. om nom nom nom nom nom.

but eating is sian in away because now i actually have to stop whatever i am doing during lunch time to eat lunch. plus. have to spend money now when i am out to eat lunch. lol.

eheheh. i like watched a hindi movie on dvd recently arh. second katrina kaif movie i've seen. and she's damn pro. like seriously. pity though she'll be stuck perma in bollywood making pucks movies. although one of the two i watched was pretty allright.
granted i've never seen how she looks off screen, but i'll still say she's damn chio. hmm. apparently, she was born in hong kong, grew up un hawaii and then moved to london. hmmm. damn international arh. like ns. except she never go france. and she got Kashmiri Muslim father and an English Anglican Christian mother. lol.

kkk. damn cool. i saw the word antipasti on sunday's newspaper. so i went to like check it out arh to see what it is. turns out, its a type of italian food. something of an appetizer before the main course. this is like an example of what it can look like.

so since its like an anti me, i guess it kinda fits. lol. and to top it off, there's an old british punk rock band called Anti-Pasti. they must be pretty dumb or something. hehe. but i couldnt find a pic of them cause they're that old.

eh. i spamming pictures eh? and my post seems damn disjointed. kkk. one more picture.

i think right, this is like the coolest car (in my opinion) i've ever seen. its a 1967 camaro ss. its like my dream car arh. i wish i could buy it but apparently its only in left hand drive cos its an american car. i wonder if there's a way to like make a left hand car to a right hand one? then can drive it in singapore. it'll be super cool. lol.

kk. i shouldnt be a ns and go prektish stats now.